Voglio un grande sciopero, che arrivi sino all'amore. Uno sciopero dove si fermi tutto, l'orologio, le fabbriche, lo stabilimento, le scuole, l'autobus, gli ospedali, la strada, i porti.
Uno sciopero di occhi, di mani, di baci.
Un grande sciopero dove non sia permesso respirare, uno sciopero dove nasca il silenzio per ascoltare i passi del tiranno che si allontana".
Huelga, poesia di Gioconda Belli, scritta a Citta' del Messico nel 1976 e pubblicata nella raccolta Linea del fuego nel 1978.
1. Tammy Vitale. Chalkboard paint torsos
2. Visual Voices: the Freedom of Expression3. Human rights violation
4. Artists United Against FGM. Maria Lobez, necklace
5. Against Violence to Women. The famous Guerrilla Girls Print
6. Barbies Mummified, autore a me ignoto
7. a me ignoto8. W.U.R.S.T. Wild Urban Rebel Sausage Trophy, Christina Berger
9. “Casa dolce casa”, Barbara Pelizzon, Ad Federica Gallo
10. Untitled, Cuban artist José Gómez Fresquet (Frémez), poster, circa 1970. Silkscreen on paper.
11. Dirty Market Theatre, autore a me ignoto
12. Untitled, Andy Armstrong
13. Untitled, Nan Goldin
14. Campagna Women's Aid, Christina Sherlock, Irlanda
15. To commemorate World AIDS day the Cape Argus used their page numbers on the top of every page of the newspaper, to educate the public about AIDS. All the statistics were collected from UNICEF and the South African Department of Health16. Campagna di ambient marketing di denuncia della violenza domestica. Davanti ad alcune porte gli abitanti si sono trovati questo tappeto. Germania
17. It’s time you spoke, against domestic abuse, City of Hope, Dubai
18. Donne sull’orlo di una crisi di..., 8 Marzo 2009. Storie di donne (ispirato al gioco da tavolo “Indovina Chi?” lanciato negli anni ottanta dall'azienda statunitense MB)
19. Every hour a woman is abused, Gabriela National Women's Organization. Clock given to offices and public building to help stop this disturbing trend
20. Domestic Violence, Aware HelpLine
21. Non offrire la dote, campagna contro la dote in India, The Sisterhood Collective22. Stop Slavery, www.stop-trafficking.ch
23. Against Sexual Violence, http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/
24. In a corner: domestic violence, BaF
25. Domestic violence hurts everyone, http://filipspagnoli.wordpress.com/
26. Celebrate International Women’s Rights Month, Philippine Daily Inquirer
27. Women protesting against human rights violations. Good50x70 /// 2009. Anatoliy Omelchenko & Nataliia Lyzenko, USA
28. Partner’s violence in Japan, Amnesty International
29. Domestic Violence, a me ignoto
30. Tu boca, fundamental contra los fundamentalismos, Articulación Feminista MarcosuR
31. Giornata Mondiale Contro la Violenza sulle Donne, Oliviero Toscani per Telefono Donna
32. Violéncia doméstica, APAV (Apoio à Vìtima)
33. African woman is the pillar of her community, Joly Melanie
34. Dominancy of man, Demet Atınç & Elvin Evren35. Manifesto promozionale corsi di autodifesa, Sexyshock, 2006
36. Bombreast, Silvio Michele Lorusso
37. Speak up, Weronika Kowalska
38. Right to health, Eva Chudomelova
39. Women's Rights Violation in Iran, posted by Sunny Balliette on http://sunnystag.blogspot.com
40. For Women’s Rights, Fang Yi Liu
41. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Spain
42. Love for sale, Barbara Kruger
43. Il corpo delle donne, documentario a cura di Lorella Zanardo, Marco Malfi Chindemi e Cesare Cantù, 2009
44. Donne Bottino di Guerra, RadioRai 3 Scienza, 200945. Deadgirl, regia di Marcel Sarmiento e Gadi Harel, soggetto/sceneggiatura di Trent Haaga, 2008, USA
46. This film is not yet Rated, independent documentary film, directed by Kirby Dick, produced by Eddie Schmidt, 2006
47. Femminicidio - Feminicide - Action for women, video di B. Atzori, P. Lipari, S. Orlandi, S. Polito
48. Human Trafficking is Torture by any other name, with Emma Thompson, commissioned by The Body Shop and the Helen Bamber Foundation
49. I monologhi della vagina, opera teatrale di Eve Ensler
50. SHE SAYS, “The world is pretty much half men, half women. So why are there hardly any females in the creative departments of most digital agencies? We decided to stop chatting about it and do something. SheSays holds events, where top females in the industry share their thoughts and help people get started and work their way up”, http://shesays.org.uk/
51. Window displays at Barneys in New York City (USA), two mannequins, wearing dresses from Helmut Lang and A.L.C.
52. Campagna Adotta una madre e Club delle madrine di AIDOS, AIDOS (Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo), progetto grafico di Cristina Chiappini
53. Hit the Bitch, gioco shock contro la violenza sulle donne, Danimarca
54. Take Back The Tech, a collaborative campaign that takes place annually from Nov 25 (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to Dec 10 (International Human Rights Day), the “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence”: it is a call to everyone - especially women and girls - to take control of technology to end violence against women.
55. Sexyshock, flyer, http://www.ecn.org/sexyshock/
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